Collective Wisdom


Any type of Freedom comes with a certain Duty
And Every Right comes with a Responsibility…!

This is what any Constitution is about, in general and Constitution of India, in particular!

This was the day 69 years ago, in the year 1949, on which We, the people of India pledged to adopt, enact and give to ourselves the Constitution of India that has the words Justice, Liberty, Equality, Opportunity, Fraternity, Unity with the essence of Integrity and Responsibility in the framework of Sovereign Democratic Republic.

In the Abstract of Objectives of the Constitution, the Architect of the Constitution elaborated the fundamental principles of our Constitution in following words –

It was, indeed, a way of life, which recognizes liberty, equality, and fraternity as the principles of life and which cannot be divorced from each other: Liberty cannot be divorced from equality; equality cannot be divorced from liberty. Nor can liberty and equality be divorced from fraternity. Without equality, liberty would produce the supremacy of the few over the many. Equality without liberty would kill individual initiative. Without fraternity, liberty and equality could not become a natural course of things.

Our first and foremost collective responsibility as ‘Indians’ is to abide by the Constitution we have sworn our ways of life to and not deviate from the paths shown by our forefathers, as an individual and as a Society. We could not fail our predecessors for the concepts like development and prosperity that could not be found in any form in our guiding principles, neither in lines nor in between!

On this Constitution Day of India let us commit to uphold the principles of our real guiding force truly and firmly!

Way to go…